Stone Bridge Farm

Jill's Jack Ace aka "Ace"

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10 year-old Quarter Horse Gelding, excellent training, lines, and looks. Such a funny personality! 
My neighbour from across the pasture is selling his horses including this dreamy gelding. Ace has the looks of a show horse, and the movement and training of one too! He is registered and has some nice lines on paper. He has done everything, he was in halter shows as a two year-old and now is professionally trained in Western and English. Ace has worked with cattle, he has done roping, reining, cutting, and team penning. He has been in 4H for three years, has been in numerous gymkhanas and rodeos. And in English - he jumps 4ft confidently and has done basic level dressage. Ace is fast and quick - likes to show off. Very showy horse with a competitive streak. Nice barrel times as well. Last year my neighbour helped me and Josh move our cattle to their winter pasture. With had the privilege to see Ace at work. He's a fluid mover and very responsive. Easy to handle and get along with. I would buy him myself - but I really don't need anymore horses. They are asking $2500 Canadian for a quick sale - GREAT deal!       





This boy won't stay up for long!

Stone Bridge Farm * Cold Lake * AB *